Thursday, October 15, 2015

On Being a Morning Person

Truth: Sometimes, I'm an absolute bear in the mornings. I literally feel like sometimes I wake up growling. I didn't know it was a problem until we got married but it's a real thing! Maybe it's because I've never really lived with a morning person, but Bryce can get up right with his alarm and get so many things done, whereas it is so hard for me to get out of bed sometimes, even if I'm not really that tired!

I really want to work harder to utilize my mornings and make them a more useful period of time for myself. I read somewhere that you have to practice getting up right when your alarm goes off, almost like on autopilot. I think when I wake up in the mornings I forget all the things I had planned to do when I went to bed and find reasons I don't have to get up yet, which is a BAD thing!

I'm trying to make goals to wake up first thing when my alarm goes off. I feel like if I can do that one thing then I will feel much more ready to do other hard things throughout the day. If I always accomplish the first thing on my to do list, I feel like that would be a pretty motivating start.

For the most part I feel lost and frustrated on this topic though, so any recommendations, I'll take them!

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