While studying microbiology at BYU, something I thought a lot about is most obviously how it works. I've been through hours and hours of lectures studying what proteins do what, what chemicals go where, and how it all works together, trying to remember it all as I went. If there is something I have spent time on, it's science.
One argument is that science and divinity are separate. That if we can find an answer for everything (which has been done in many fields, or so we think) then that will explain the need, or rather the lack of a need to believe in a divine power. If evolution is real and true and most importantly, logical, then God could not have created this world as so the scriptures say because evolution couldn't have happened in just 7 days. And I think that argument could go either way for anyone, meaning an individual's belief on the subject of science is entirely their own, some believe and some don't. If there is anything I have found, it is that those who take the time to understand science and dig into the methods are those who then believe the results. There is a reason why doctors prescribe exercise, dentists recommend flossing (besides the fact that 83% of wealthy people floss everyday), and the IT department recommends backing up your laptop to an external drive, and why I tell my family to replace their plastic cutting boards with glass ones. It's because these practices work. Not just once, but consistently.
1. It can make someone people lose their responsibility towards a higher power, feel as though because "I understand these things I previously thought only God understood, I am no longer responsible to do what I thought he was telling me to do, because now I know, and maybe God doesn't exist if I truly can understand what others thought only he could".
2. It can also cause the opposite effect, and responsibility to our God can increase. "Because I now see what God sees, I must try to act as he does. I must be a more loving and humble servant because I have been blessed and I DO understand God's nature. Because I've learned so much from God, I want to continue to follow him and learn more".
But I do not believe the options are this extreme. I think the beauty of the gospel comes from a God who is logical. I can imagine it would be difficult to go through school always being told we will never get to be doctors, no matter how much we learn or understand, no matter if we one day know as much as our teachers know, it just wasn't possible to ever graduate. It would be hard to believe in that God.
From learning and growing in knowledge from those who are around us and teach us doesn't give most of us the idea to say "Okay, I'm done, I know all there is left to know so I'm going to go be my own doctor now". Yes, we do know the answers to most questions, and we do have a scientific way of explaining many of God's miracles if we really do try. But I do not believe that makes God any less of a God for using science that he created and understands to create a perfect world around us. Just because the world operates on a perfect science doesn't disprove God, but instead shows the depth and breadth of his knowledge. Studying science has brought me closer to God because by seeing what he sees and creating as creates, I am able to learn and grow into a person who sees and creates in the way that he does. I've climbed up to where he can see, and I can stop there or keep climbing, it's my choice.
I believe in a God who is not just all powerful, but also who is the master chemist. He understands proteins more than I ever will, can understand light and quantum theory, and psychology on a level I only dream of understanding. There is a misconception that all God wants is our time and love and fun and also everything we have. But I think God also wants us to know what he knows, not just spiritually but physically as well. The more I've studied science the more I've felt close to God because I have been becoming like him. I've learned to think as he does and view the world differently, through heavenly eyes that see the perfection in the world around me. Most scientists will tell you they love science because of the possibility or because there is always an answer to discover. Ironically, those are the things I love most about God as well. I see his personality when I study him under the microscope or in the stars or through the lens.
So I guess what I'm saying begs the ultimate question , does science really explain everything? And I guess thats for you to find out yourself.
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