Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 369

Bryce and I have now been married for a year and so far, so great (Which I think also signifies the end of the wedding photo use in blog posts....meaning I might actually have to start taking real pictures again...). I think the one aspect of our relationship I can attribute our happiness in marriage to so far would be our goals. Having an all inclusive vision for our marriage and life together has been the driving force that brings us closer together every day.

When Bryce and I met, we were both pursuing graduate degrees in the healthcare system. As it become more evident that we were going to have a future together, we started planning accordingly, more ultimately planning our professional and personal lives together. Luckily, our plans fit pretty well together but there were some stressful parts too. (Figuring out applications to completely different programs and much less getting in was a huge feat to say the least).

To this point in our marriage, I would say that the single factor making our relationship successful has been those goals we made together early on that have brought us together. While we're different from some couples I know with both of us pursuing doctoral degrees, we have had that one goal to bring us together when times are hard or when we don't know what to do. Bryce is the greatest teammate I could have ever asked for, and I really do feel like were working together every day to lift each other up and push us towards our future.

Before I got married, people would always say "Marriage is hard. It's wonderful, but it's hard. And you'll never understand it until you're married". Which can be kind of frustrating to a single/dating/newly engaged person! And also a bit unbelievable.

After a year I think I would probably alter that sentiment a little and say marriage isn't hard, it's just different. Because luckily when you're married, every hard thing you go through, your best friend is right beside you. However, the difference is when you go through something hard, your spouse experiences that trial and heartache too. So in a way, you get to have twice the trials, but you also have twice the amount of work put into each one.

That being said, if there was one word to describe my husband, it would be that he is my teammate. His goals have become to help me accomplish mine and mine have become to help him accomplish his. While still operating as separate people with out own thoughts, feelings, and desires, the act of marriage itself has knit those individual parts of who we are, our souls, together. Our goals, as a couple and as individuals, have always been when brings us together. They're the foundation for our live together; they make it so Bryce can look at me when I'm not being my best self and say "You're not being the person I know you want to be right now", and I can do the same for him. As we come up on our first anniversary, I'm grateful that I was able to find and marry someone who is my equal in every way (both in height and in aspirations!) but on most days, probably even a little better ;)

At this point in our marriage, we are kind of just killing time before we move and have to start the craziness that will be the next four years. We are both still working at the hospital, Bryce in the ermegency room and myself in same day surgery. We like it, but what we like most is coming home at 5 everyday and being able to do whatever we want without homework. We love grilling, going for walks, and watching Friends. We don't have air conditioning so that has been a little rough but we got passes to the Provo Rec Center and have been trying all kinds of classes, yoga, pretty much everything. It's been a blast. 

We move into our new apartment in Glendale a month from today. And for the most part I would say we are really excited! It's going to be fun setting up camp somewhere new, and while we have no idea what to expect we are ready for the challenge! Everyone just keeps telling us how hard it is going to be and more importantly how hot it is going to be the day we move in (try 110 degrees). But we're excited! I think we had the perfect first year of learning together and we are ready for whatever is going to come next!